WEYE Radio Reading of Goodwill Industries of Akron
Is a Service for the Blind, Sight Impaired,
And Physically Handicapped
WEYE Radio Stream
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Updated 2/14
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WEYE Radio Reading Podcasts
Akron Beacon Journal
Canton Repository
Mansfield News Journal
Daily Record
Record Courier
Times Reporter
Other Local Programming
Akron Life |
Barberton Gazette |
Senior Awareness Readings |
Health & Wellness |
The Region |
Plain Dealer Region |
WEYE Broadcast Schedule |
* Programs may change due to availability
1am Pet Hour 2am Hobby Radio 2:30 Groks Science Show 3am Forbes 4am Eerie House Radio 5am The Week 6am Woman's Magazines 6:30 Barberton Herald 7am Disability News Hour 8am The Chapel 8:30 Guidepost 9am Health and Wellness 9:30 Pet Pause 10am On The Lighter Side 11am Reminisce 11:30 Sports In Review 12:30 Comics 1pm Abj Hour 1 2pm Abj Hour 2 3pm Stuff 3:30 Able Living 4pm People Weekly 5pm The Blind Handyman 6pm What's the Word 6:30 Fly Away 7pm ABJ 1 8pm TV and overnight schedule 8:05 ABJ 2 9pm REN Old Radio Programs 10pm Golden Days of Radio 10:30 Shoestring Radio Theater 11pm Wall Street Section One 12am Late Night REN Wednesday 1am Democracy Now 2am Senior Awareness Readings 2:30 Cleveland Scene 3am Christian Science Monitor 3:30 Weather 3:31 Canton Repository 4am What's On Your Mind 5am Issues In The News 5:30 Community Now & Then 6am Mansfield News Journal 6:30 Daily Record 7am Record Courier 7:30 Times Reporter 7:55 TV & Radio Schedule 8am National Geographic 8:30 Weekly Business News Roundup 9:am Nostalgia Digest 9:30 The Book Show 10am Democracy Now 11am ABJ hour 1 12pm ABJ hour 2 1pm Christian Science Monitor 1:30 Weather 1:31 Canton Repository 2pm American Past 3pm Bookshelf 4pm Forbes 4:30 Terry Pluto Columns 5pm Mansfield News Journal 5:30 Daily Record 6pm Record Courier 6:30 Times Reporter 6:55 TV & Radio Schedule 7pm Abj1 8pm VOA news 8:05 ABJ 2 9pm REN Old Radio Programs 10pm Weekend Life 11:00 TV Guide 12am Midnight Bookshelf Saturday 1am Democracy Now 2am ICommunity Now and Then 2:30 Pet Pause 3am Christian Science Monitor 3:30 Weather 3:31 Canton Repository 4am Thursday Stuff 4:30 The Region 5am Brain Trust 6am Mansfield News Journal 6:30 Daily Record 7am Record Courier 7:30 Times Reporter 7:55 TV & Radio Schedule 8am Blind Handyman 9:am Wall Street Journal 10am New Yorker 11am Living At Home 12pm Cooking In The Dark 1pm New York Times 2pm Disability News 2:30 Readers Digest 3pm Bookshelf 4pm Golden Days of Radio 4:30 Hobby Radio 5pm Eerie House Radio 6pm Eyes On Success 6:30 Movie Magazine 7pm Region & State 8pm Local TV & WEYE schedule 8:05 Atlantic Magazine 9pm REN Old Radio Programs 10pm Armchair Reader 11:00 Biographies In Sound 12am Midnight Bookshelf |
1am Wall Street Journal Review 2am Fate 2:30 Reminisce 3am Wall Street Personal Journal 4am Community Now and Then 4:30 Comics from the ABJ 5am What's the Word 5:30 Smithsonian 6am Grocery Ads 7am The New Yorker 7:55 WEYE &TV Schedule 8am Entertainment Weekly 8:30 International Edition 9:am Weekend Life from the ABJ 10am Democracy Now 11am ABJ hour 1 12pm ABJ hour 2 1pm Christian Science Monitor 1:30 Weather 1:31 Canton Repository 2pm Readings by Rose 3pm Bookshelf 4pm Consumer News 4:30 Stuff from the ABJ 5pm Mansfield News Journal 5:30 Daily Record 6pm Record Courier 6:30 Times Reporter 6:55 TV & Overnight Schedule 7pm Abj1 8pm VOA news 8:05 ABJ 2 9pm REN Old Radio Programs 10pm Able Living 10:30 Cleveland Scene 11:00 Sports In Review 12am Midnight Bookshelf Thursday 1am Democracy Now 2am National Geographic 2:30 Akron Life 3am Christian Science Monitor 3:30 Weather 3:31 Canton Repository 4am Sports Side Bar 5:am The Week 6am Mansfield News Journal 6:30 Daily Record 7am Record Courier 7:30 Times Reporter 7:55 TV & Radio Schedule 8am Stuff from the ABJ 8:30 Women’s Magazines 9:am Time 10am Democracy Now 11am ABJ hour 1 12pm ABJ hour 2 1pm Christian Science Monitor 1:30 Weather 1:31 Canton Repository 2pm Brain Trust 3pm Bookshelf 4pm Forbes 4:30 Independant Living 5pm Mansfield News Journal 5:30 Daily Record 6pm Record Courier 6:30 Times Reporter 6:55 TV & Radio Schedule 7pm Abj1 8pm VOA news 8:05 ABJ 2 9pm REN Old Radio Programs 10pm Eyes On Success 10:30 Groks Science Show 11pm What’s On Your Mind? 12am Midnight Bookshelf |
1am Democracy Now 2am Diabetic news 2:30 Shoestring Radio Theatre 3am Christian Science Monitor 3:30 Pet Hour 5am Plain Dealer Region 6am Mansfield News Journal 6:30 Daily Record 7am Record Courier 7:30 Times Reporter 7:55 WEYE & TV Schedule 8am Health Odds and Ends 8:30 Smithsonian 9:am Issues In The News 9:30 The Beacon Forum 10am Democracy Now 11am ABJ hour 1 12pm ABJ hour 2 1pm Christian Science Monitor 1:30 Weather 1:31 Canton Repository 2pm Senior Awareness Readings 2:30 Akron Life 3pm Bookshelf 4pm Sports Side Bar 5pm Mansfield News Journal 5:30 Daily Record 6pm Record Courier 6:30 Times Reporter 6:55 TV & Radio Schedule 7pm Abj1 8pm VOA news 8:05 ABJ 2 9pm REN Old Radio Programs 10pm Atlantic Monthly 11pm Stuff 11:30 Movie Magazine 12am Midnight Bookshelf Friday 1am Democracy Now 2am Health & Wellness 2:30 Business News Roundup 3am Christian Science Monitor 3:30 Weather 3:31 Canton Repository 4am Wall Street Section One 5am Monday Stuff 5:30 Terry Pluto Columns 6am Mansfield News Journal 6:30 Daily Record 7am Record Courier 7:30 Times Reporter 7:55 TV & Radio Schedule 8am Science & Tech 8:30 Barberton Gazette 9:am Disability News Hour 10am Democracy Now 11am ABJ hour 1 12pm ABJ hour 2 1pm Christian Science Monitor 1:30 Weather 1:31 Canton Repository 2pm Grocery Ads 3pm Bookshelf 4pm The Region 4:30 Flashpoint 5pm Mansfield News Journal 5:30 Daily Record 6pm Record Courier 6:30 Times Reporter 6:55 TV & Radio Schedule 7pm Abj1 8pm VOA news 8:05 ABJ 2 9pm REN Old Radio Programs 10pm Science Fiction Stories 10:30 Fate Magazine 11:00 Wall Street Personal Journal 12am Midnight Bookshelf |
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